Cyber Bullying : Digimons

Cute aren't they ???

I'm sure most of 90's kids are familiar with these characters above but these are not the Digital Monsters that we are going to talk about.

Today, we talk about the real Digital Monsters of the 21st Century i.e., Bullies or to be more precise Cyber Bullies.

So lets clear out the basics


Cyber bullies are the digital versions of feeble minded persons, who simply take out their frustration on others in a pathetic attempt to feel superior, and the lunacy that they perform across all the digital platforms is known as CYBER BULLYING.

It basically involves sharing mean, hurtful, negative or false information about someone else which cause the recipient to feel embarrassment or humiliation. 

The most common places where this phenomenon is known to happen are as follows :

  • Social Media Networks
  • Online Gaming Platforms
  • Instant Messaging
  • Emails
  • Chat Rooms
  • Message Boards etc

In the 21st Century when finding a person without a social network footprint is like finding a four leafed clover; the below statistics describe the extent to which these Digimons have spread :


Posting an insulting remark on the social media or harassing someone in a Gaming Room might boost the ego of a superficial person but it leaves the recipient scarred for life.

It makes the person question about his existence, his/her self esteem is shattered, one disparaging remark is more than enough to cause a massive impact to the personality of a person.

In some instances it causes the person to change his entire personality to become more socially acceptable; to get rid of the humiliation; but instead they come face to face with an existential crisis.

It doesn't take long to make a remark which gets  😂😂😂 emojis from a majority of the people watching it but 

A minute of oppression can cause a lifetime of depression.

Realization happens to everyone and I am sure it will happen to these Digimons as well but when it happens; will they be able to live with the guilt ???!!!

Think About it...

Dear Readers,

I implore you, that if you ever come across such abhorrent remarks please report it, If you ever come across someone who is a victim of this plague please provide the help he/she needs.

We already have a virus which has destroyed our entire way of life.

Lets stop this one before it gets the chance to do the same.


  1. Very nicely portrayed in a well drafted manner.

    This was meant to be said - the need of this hour. With such rising cases of suicides, it has now become an absolute necessity to find the root cause of such suicidal mindsets. Whenever such cases are investigated in search of the root cause, deep down it is found that there was a case of bullying involved with the victim. The result - victim committing suicide out of the tremendous mental pressure.

    So it's high time that these are checked and stopped at the ground level itself so that the point doesn't arrive where the victim has to choose to end their life due to mental pressure and trauma.

    1. Thank you for enjoying the post.

      True, Bullying in any form analog or digital.... Or in any universe Cosmic or Digital is unacceptable.

  2. Bullying in any form has always been a serious issue of our is high time to think about it so that we could gift a better society for our future generation
